Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Why not download the movie preview right off the poster?

I'm not sure how mainstream payment via cell phones will ever become however I find the prospect of the following snippet becoming reality quite exciting:

"The NFC forum has recently come out with a standardized format for a so-called "smart poster" which will enable a handset user to obtain data such as a URL or a ringtone from a poster or other printed material. And downloading film promos and movie times is not far off, says Christophe Duverne, senior vice-president and general manager for identification at NXP Semiconductors, and chairman of NFC Forum. "

Feed: BusinessWeek Online --
Title: Contactless Payment Comes to Cell Phones

Flash your handset and buy. An industry group wants to bring that facility to the world. But is it secure? And who gets what share of the profits?

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