Friday, May 25, 2007

Day 3 - Miserable

I didn't sleep very well at all overnight. The only quality sleep I got was between the hours of 7 AM and 11 AM. I didn't feel terribly uncomfortable so I'm not sure why I couldn't get into a deeper slumber.

Had a pretty miserable day today. I had blended oatmeal for breakfast, took a nap and woke up feeling a little woozy in the head. There isn't a whole lot I can do. Don't really feel like reading and definitely don't have enough energy to be up and about. Fortunately I have about 4 episodes of Hereos, 3 episodes of Desperate Housewives and 2 episodes of Grey's Anatomy PVRed.

Watched a couple of episodes of Heroes which took my mind off things but I got pretty depressed after that. I can't talk very much because of the stupid plastic splint so I just sit there with a grumpy look on my face. Even trying to smile hurts!

Lunch consisted of cream of mushroom soup, had a Chocolate Boost at tea time and mashed potatoes watered down with tomato soup for dinner.

My nose is all crusted up since I no longer have the benefit of the oxygen mask under my chin to moisturize my nasal passage. Q-tips and the Otrivin nasal spray help but it's still feels pretty gunky up there.

I guess the one positive is I did finally bathe today. I wasn't sure if I should be going under the shower so I sat in the bath tub with my rubber ducky.

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