Friday, June 01, 2007

Day 10 (con't) - I Just Made A Discovery

Oh, I just made a discovery! I was brushing my teeth after dinner and there was something bothering me on the left side of my bottom teeth. I thought I had some leftover food stuck there so I slithered my finger in to get it out and BAM... I just felt a stitch! A stitch on my lower jaw? How could this be?

I think my surgeon slit open a spot under my left gum to get a bone graft! That would also explain why that area was swollen when I came out of surgery. In any case, my poking opened up the wound a little and a gush of blood came out. I'll have to ask my surgeon on Tuesday about that since he never mentioned it.

And I almost forgot to mention, the oat is gone! I don't know if it got unwedged or if it dissolved away from my saliva but it's not longer there. Alas, it feels much better not having a wedged oat in my mouth.

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